1. At the house from a stone strong walls,
But walls are fragile, when there are changes …
2. In the street again there is a snowfall.
Pardon ask, if you are guilty.
3. And the impudence is similar to belief at times,
If there are no Misters near to you.
4. Each fairy tale has a beginning.
To that only trust, who promises a little.
5. If you wish to be successful-
Do not solve business affairs hasty …
6. All the hour, all the term
Do not forget about this lesson.
7. And even from a stone water will flow,
Kohl wisdom you will put apply also belief you will increase.
8. Do not forget to esteem the gray-haired old man,
And to accept in the house of the tired wanderer.
As early as more very few years,
And you as the old man too will be gray-haired.
9. Meetings and leisure Are pleasant,
And road on heart the friend.
10. You are praised let not with your lips,
Kohl it became so your life - is empty.
11. Kohl in a life you value honour.
Do not fill in clothes with revenge.
12. Kohl you appreciate in a life the Divine Word,
Do not concern to it him severely.
13. The sea too has a beginning.
The one to whom forgive a little … does not love
14. It is pleasant to drink cleared water,
Similarly to how to protect freedom.
15. Who Wisdom esteems here and there,
That will be wise, even by hundred years.
16. Who is ready to give the life for the friend,
In that there is no fear, equally, as well as there is no fright.
17. "Critical" days - are only at "pig".
Who criticizes not loving, liking, that is criticizing "pig".
18. Who the Word with reflection reads,
The Lord visits,attend that more often.
19. In whom there is an obedient and high spirit,
Will not let blessing go.
20. Less often above problems dream,
More often in heart of the God esteem.
21. Who will be dared above an another's trouble,
That falling, will be made even to mountain.
22. In whom the Divine Spirit and Divine Force,
That envoy - goods and the world.
23. The thief has one problem, task-
That you have thought differently ….
24. From locks iron
Is master keys much,
And keys from heart-
Only at the God.
25. Wait, do not doubt.
With belief look forward to hearing.
Business will clear up
Powerful Divine Light.
26. Is at a bird - wings.
And thorns - at a rose.
Do not litter words,
Do not start up threat.
Украина, Киев
Автор и исполнитель христианских песен
и инструментальных композиций.
Не женат.
Поэзия - это удивительный дар от Господа
выражать состояние души человека.
Влюбленность - это удивительное состояние:
Когда заканчивается Проза, - начинается Поэзия.
Когда же Поэзия достигает вершины, - начинается разговор Двух Сердец.
Верю, что когда Бог создавал Вселенную, - это была прекрасная Поэзия, Его Мудрости, Мечты, Желаний и Его совершенной Любви. !!!
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